Closing in on Gotland Game Conference

The entire university is buzzing with energy. Everyone knows we’re just a few days away from the GGC. These are the best weeks of any big project; when all ideas and plans are rapidly falling in to place like a good game of Tetris. Here’s some photos from the run up to our most important event yet!

New events require new stuff. Start with getting rid of the old! Throwing out old, heavy, ugly arcade cabinets is very therapeutic… 🙂

Then, build some new hotness:

The animation students are hard at work too:

Speaking of animation students, check out the sign they created for the Cinema-portion of GGC:

And here it is, printed and cut-out:

These are all characters from the animation projects this year. Brilliant, ne? I look forward to seeing that beast in place at the GGC. 🙂