The department of Game Design at Uppsala University, campus Gotland
Category: Blog
This is the highly informal blog of the GAME-department. We use it mostly to document the things we do outside of running one of the worlds strongest game educations. For information about our education, programs and courses, check the official site at Uppsala University.
Posted on - Comments Off on Rate our student games on this week! CategoriesBlog, GGC Updates
This means that all of our students will be able to live anywhere in the world and fully participate throughout the rest of this year.
We would like to emphasize that this decision is only temporary and only in response to the current Covid-19 pandemic situation. We intend to provide our campus education on-campus as soon as the situation will allow. A decision for the Spring Semester 2021 will be taken no later than October.
Hopefully we’ll see you on Gotland by the spring semester 2021.
You probably have a lot of questions and so we have tried to collect some of them to provide some answers and resources for you:
If you feel that your question is not answered there, please feel free to write to us and we will try to do our best to answer or add it to the list.
The department’s technician remains available on campus throughout the spring semester. Erik Wallin (@weakman54) is filling in for Finn Engström, and will be available in F11 between 13:00-15:00. Current students can contact Erik if you need any help with hardware.
Posted on - Comments Off on Announcing the Gotland Game Conference 2020 Showcase! CategoriesBlog, GGC Updates
A jam to show off the student games that were supposed to show at the (cancelled) Gotland Game Conference!
We sadly had to cancel the Gotland Game Conference 2020 due to the Corona outbreak. Even without a show floor, however, our students are all still producing A TON of new games this semester which need to be play tested, scrutinized and celebrated!
We expect to have more than 40 games available for anyone to play, for free, from the comfort of their own homes. Everyone is welcome to join in and vote on the games they play!
Game Submissions will be open between May 1st (12:00) – June 1st (12:00) (local time).
Public play testing and voting will happen on June 1st – June 4th. (12:00, Swedish time).
As with the regular GGC, student participation is entirely voluntary and is not a part of your course work. You are not graded for your performance in the event.