Silver Hauler

In Silver Hauler you take control as the conductor of a train, hauling goods across the world to make the towns prosper and of course, to make money to expand your train and influence further

All Town and Cities produce goods, and it’s your job to figure out the best route for the haul to make the most profit. The further a Town is from a producing Town the more that product will be worth


  • CHRISTIAN BONDI: Project Manager, Producer
  • HENRIK NILSSON: Programmer, Product Owner
  • ANTON ZACHRISSON: Programmer, AI & Weapon
  • MAX VON HOLTUM: Graphics, UI
  • ERIK WESTERLIND: Graphics, Environment & Train
  • MARCUS ANDERSSON: Graphics, Animation & Weapons
  • MATTIAS JOHANSSON: Desinger & Quality Assurance
  • SUBMARINE_KID: Sound Designer, Music & SFX