Raccoons Cleaning is a two-person platform-based fighting game. Each player controls a raccoon with the sole purpose to pick up as much trash as possible, while at the same time trying to sabotage the enemy for trying to achieve the same goal. Players will use a physical controller that will be fitted on them. While tilting the controller left and right the raccoons will move in the same direction in the game. Simultaneously, by the use of buttons on the controller, the player will be able to jump and throw trash at the enemy

- William Palm: Project owner, project manager, assistant programmer
- Hanna Eriksson: Game designer, playtester, workshop responsible
- Kimia Haghighi: Lead Artist
- Elin Lindberg: Artist, Arcade artist
- Liya (Laura) Pham: Artist
- Soabiba Soad: Lead programmer
- Eri Kutrolli: Lead workshop responsible, assistant programmer