The jury application for Gotland Game Conference 2021 is officially open!
All game developers and designers are welcome to apply. This year we host entirely on so you can join us live (in living color!) from any part of the globe! Be a part of the yearly celebration of our students achievements, help us playtest their games and provide feedback.

The jury attends May 31 – June 3. We schedule activities for ~3 hours a day to leave more time for playtesting and individual meetings. The games are, however, available 24/7!
Check the link for more info, and the application form. We look forward hearing from you!
Playtesting in on 29/4, 12/5 & 21/5
We have scheduled 3 days for open playtesting in – 29/4, 12/5 and 21/5. Starting at 13:00. Feel free to join in and test the tech. No work required – it is fine to just come and hang out with us.