Peter Bryngelsson on music for Dictators, Torture & Drugs

Peter Bryngelsson (foto:
Peter Bryngelsson (foto:
Peter Bryngelsson is a musician, composer, lyricist, author, director and researcher – in charge of more than 19 album releases since 1976. He founded Ragnarök and have played in bands like Kung Tung, Triangulus and Urban Turban. He’s currently teaching movie soundtrack composition at Malmö’s Music University.

Peter is coming here to talk about:

  1. How movie soundtracks “animate” everything you see on screen
  2. Music and Torture – based on interviews with torture victims and the documentary he’s producing for SVT.
  3. Music and Drugs – based on Peter’s research on LSD, Woodstock and Peter Green.
  4. Musical preferences of dictators. What did Hitler, Stalin and Adi Amin listen to?

Time: Tuesday, November 10 13.00-16.00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E22

Robert Nyberg from Starbreeze Studios

Robert Nyberg at the Gotland Game Awards 2009
Robert Nyberg at Gotland Game Awards 2009

With apologies for the extremely short notice we wish to announce Robert Nyberg from Swedish Starbreeze Studios who’s coming tomorrow!

Robert Nyberg has been the human resources manager at Starbreeze Studios for the past four years. As such, he’s the guy with final say in all recruitments and staff policies.

Robert will do two talks in succession, the first one on practical advice for how to get a job in the gaming industry. The second one will be about quality assurance in the Starbreeze production pipeline; what happens when an error is discovered and how is it remedied during production?

Time: Friday, Oktober 23 13.00-15.00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E22

Ann Dismorr, Head of the International Dept. of the Riksdag

Ann Dissmorr (foto: Pawel Flato)
Ann Dissmorr (foto: Pawel Flato)

Some of the 21st century´s greatest challenges are reflected in Turkey – EU relations; the widening gap between the West and the Muslim world and the struggle for human rights and democratization. Will Turkey become EU´s bridge or barrier to Islam? Which human rights issues might become a road block to Turkish EU?

Ann Dismorr, current head of the International Department of the Riksdag, has been a Swedish diplomat since 1981 and a ambassador since 1999. As such she’s served in Turkey, Azerbaijan and Libanon.

The title of her talk (the final one in Human Rights and Diversity in Serious Game) is “Turkey Decoded; The European Union and Islam.”

Time: Monday, Oktober 26 13.00-15.00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E31

International Trade in Armaments – a Human Rights Consideration

(foto: Catharina Biesèrt)
(foto: Catharina Biesèrt)
Andreas Ekman, Director General for the Swedish Agency for Non-Proliferation and Export Controls, will discuss the international trade in armaments and the consequences for international peace and stability.

He will also discuss how the respect for human rights is being affected by this trade. He will put Swedish exports of JAS Gripen, airborne surveillance and armored vehicles into an international human rights perspective.

Time: Friday, October 23, 10:00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E31