Human Rights, Diversity and Successful Entrepreneurship


– Paul Lappalainen, Senior Analyst, Equality Ombudsman, DO
– Alexandra Pascalidou Journalist

Paul Lappalainen and author Alexandra Pascalidou will discuss the challenges and dynamics needed to protect the fundamental human right to equality regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, etnicity and religion or other beliefs.

Is there a relationship between diversity work, successful entrepreneurship and economic growth?

Time: Friday, October 16, 13.00-15.00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E22

Bishop Lennart Koskinen on Ethics, Morality and Human Rights


Lennart Koskinen holds a doctorate from Uppsala University in Ethics, and returns to discuss moral and ethics in contemporary society. Moral and ethics is of fundamental importance for the development of serious gaming.

Time: Wednesday, October 14, 13:00 – 15:00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E31

Jan Eliasson, Former Swedish Foreign Minister

Bush and Eliasson Note: this is a re-post of our original announcement, as we had to postpone Eliasson’s scheduled visit due to illness.

Jan Eliasson is a seasoned diplomat and a former Swedish Foreign Minister. He has been the President of the UN General Assembly, and served as UN:s first Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs. During his tenure, he was involved in UN operations in Somalia, Sudan, Mocambique, and the Balkans; undertaking initiatives concerning landmines, conflict prevention and UN reform.

He will make an exposé over the human rights area and the creation of the UN Commission for Human Rights during his tenure as President of the UN General Assembly. The world community’s responsibility to protect civilians in war and other crisis will be highlighted. Eliasson will also tell us about his various missions as UN negotiator, the challenges for the UN to prevent war and conflict and to avoid human catastrophes.

New time: Monday, Oktober 12, 16:00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E31

Börje Ljunggren, former Swedish ambassador to China & Vietnam

Börje Ljunggren (foto:
Börje Ljunggren (foto:

The eight lecture in our series for Human Rights and Diversity in Serious Game is held by former Swedish ambassador Börje Ljunggren.

Börje‘s been our ambassador to both China (02-06) and Vietnam (94-97). He is currently the chair person of the China Forum and the SEB Asia Council and also on the board of the Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. He holds a Ph.D. in political science and is an associate of Harvard University Asia Center as well as the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies. His latest book “China; the drama of time” was published in 2008.

China’s lack of respect for human rights is a challenge to the world. Will China’s integration into the world economy and the world community ultimately result in China becoming a democracy or will China remain an authoritarian state going it’s own way. How resiliant is Chinese authoritarianism?

Time: Friday, October 9 10:00-12:00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E31