The newly founded research school; The International Research School of Game Design (IRSGD) is a result of collaboration between Gotland University and the University of Uppsala.
Researchers and PhD students from around the world are gathered from a variety of academic disciplines around common interests and overlapping areas of inquiry. Their backgrounds stretch from professors and senior lecturers in HCI, AI, IA (Intelligent Agents), Image Processing, Motion Capture, Computer Science, and senior professionals from the game industry. The IRSGD has currently six PdD students. The IRSGD is directed towards the investigation and development of game design and its relevance and application in facilitating the advancement of other areas.
Steven Bachelder holds a professorship in artistic expression in convergent media at the University of Gotland where he cofounded the game design education in 2001. Today he is subject responsible for Expression in Convergent Media at the Institution for Game Design, Technology and Learning and is the appointed chair for the International Research School of Game Design instituted in collaboration with Uppsala University.
Bachelder has been teaching in the interactive arts and convergent media since its origin. He has been involved in major international exhibitions such as “Deposition”, Venice Biennial and
“Øtherlands, Description of the Equator and some OtherLands”, Documenta X, Kassel.
His profile in the arts is in creating large participatory immersive environments shifting the focus from the art object to the participation and cognitive processes of the viewer. Bachelder´s focus in games research is upon defining the core essence of game design and its potential as a new art form.