Mikael Lindell from 72nollsju.se

72nollsju Mikael Lindell is a freelance animator working primarily with TV commercials, jingles and presentations. Check out his extensive showreel at 72nollsju.se. He will be here for two days to talk about the freelance profession and 3D animation. He’ll also hold advanced workshops in After Effects.

This lecture is mandatory for the 2nd year CGA students but all are welcome that have time to attend as long as there is room…

Time: Thursday, February 19, 09:00-16:00
Location: HGO, lecture hall B38

Time: Friday, February 20, 09:00-16:00
Location: HGO, lecture hall B51

Donya Labs demos Simplygon 2

Donya logo

Donya Labs is a Swedish company specializing in 3D-optimization for CAD, game development and movie post-production.

Founder Martin Ekdal (whom you all met at the Christmas party) and his tech lead is coming here to talk about optimization of 3D graphics and demonstrate their new software – Simplygon 2.

They will provide you all with educational licenses to use on your own projects!

Time: February 5, 10:00-12:00
Location: HGO, E45

Ernest Adams on Emerging Issues in Game Design

Ernest is back for a talk on Emerging Issues in Game Design. Topics include new input devices, disabilities, artificial intelligence, interactive narratives, sex in games and much more.

This is a mandatory lecture for all 2nd and 3rd year students – be there or be square!

Time: January 23, 13:00
Location: HGO, lecture hall B25