Haunted Heist is a competitive two-player party game built for local multiplayer. In this stealth-based pixel-art style game, one of you will take control of a sly thief, as they sneak into a giant mansion to steal its valuables. The other will play as an invisible ghost, searching through every corner of the mansion to catch the thief before they can escape. Can you outrun the ghost while uncovering the mansion’s secrets and hidden items, using only your trusty flashlight and night-vision goggles, or will you outsmart the thief as you merge through walls and use your special ghost vision to hunt them down? Exciting cat-and-mouse gameplay awaits in this hair-raising 2D title developed for the Nintendo Switch!

- Igors Sorogovecs: Lead Designer, Programmer
- Joel Owén: Level Designer, QA
- Erik Nikiforov: Programmer
- Napat Ussawajaruwan: Project Manager, Scrum Master
- Tuerxun Ailikamu: Hardware Engineer, Graphics Artist
- Quan Nguyen: Environmental & Branding Artist
- Yuan Ning Wang: Music, Sound Design