VeloCity & Carnage Previews | Gotland University’s Gaming Legends In Training

The student developers of today will eventually become the legendary designers of tomorrow, and nowhere is this cliched statement more true than at Gotland University. This small Swedish outfit boasts alumni credited in games from Blizzard, Lionhead, Ubisoft, DICE, Starbreeze, Avalanche, Grin and many other studios… and are taught ethics and human rights issues as well as cutting edge game development. Each year, they bring their finest projects to GDC and Gamescom to be shown off to the world and brought to the attention of potential publishers.

We’ve already published previews of the outstanding mobile masterpiece Walkabout and the revolutionary RTS Victorious Skies, but it’s time to take a look at two more student projects that are shaping up nicely.

VeloCity & Carnage Previews | Gotland University’s Gaming Legends In Training interviews Meow Entertainment

I løbet af de seneste 5 år er en lang række spil-startups begyndt at stikke hovedet frem, på en ø der vel ellers ret beset må betegnes som Sveriges svar på Bornholm.

Efter at Universitetet på Gotland startede deres spiluddannelse for godt ti år siden, er der poppet en række nye små spilfirmaer frem på øen, i en grad der ikke lader nogen af de større byer i Norden noget efter.

I dag er der mindst 10 registrerede spilfirmaer i Visby og derudover et stort antal freelancere. Og det i en by på størrelse med Ringsted.

Det første firma vi har fat i er Meow Entertainment. Her fik vi en snak med Max Tiikiainen – en ung karismatisk mand, med et let genkendeligt viltert rødt hår, og sorte kassebriller.

Gaming Gotland – Meow Entertainment – Artikel
Pirates of Scurvy Pond

Walkabout Preview | Gotland Will Turn Your World Upside Down

A team of second year students from the presigious game design course at Gotland University, Sweden, are designing what could quite frankly be the most impressive mobile/tablet game since Angry Birds – and what’s more, it’s shaping up to be a bona fide work of art.

The project’s name is Walkabout, from fledgeling student studio Lucid Dreams. Look upon their works, ye mighty yet artistically bankrupt AAA publishers, and despair! Or better yet: pay attention.

Walkabout Preview | Gotland Will Turn Your World Upside Down

Victorious Skies Preview | A Soaring Indie Triumph

Gotland University’s Game Design course is a powerhouse of independent development; a bastion of creativity and design excellence that’s responsible for Gamescom’s most exciting titles. Kaiser Kommando Interactive is a new studio formed from a small team of Gotland Graduates… and their first project is possibly one of the most impressive games of the entire show.

Victorious Skies Preview | A Soaring Indie Triumph