Join us for our next lecture in the Transformative Play Initiative Event Series: “Playing with Perspective: Metareflection and Immersion in Embodied Role-playing” by Hilda Levin!
When: February 21, 2023, 7 – 8:30 PM Central European Time (CET)
Where: Online on Zoom
The link will be provided to registrants on the day of the event. Make sure to sign in with the same name you used to register.
Click here to RSVP on Facebook.

Description of event:
In embodied role-playing, players may immerse themselves into a shared fiction, or metareflect to see the fiction in context with reality. Through theories on self-reflexive art and practical larp design examples, this lecture will look into how we might use metareflection to create diverse and transformative role-playing experiences.
Presenter bio:
Hilda Levin (b. 1987) is a Swedish larper living in Norway. She has a Master’s in Dramaturgy and wrote her thesis on metareflection in embodied role-playing. She works with theatre productions and emerging playwrights, and has taken part in organizing the Oslo Pride cultural program in 2018, 2019 and 2023.
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Graphic design by Liliia Chorna.