Ann Dismorr, Head of the International Dept. of the Riksdag

Ann Dissmorr (foto: Pawel Flato)
Ann Dissmorr (foto: Pawel Flato)

Some of the 21st century´s greatest challenges are reflected in Turkey – EU relations; the widening gap between the West and the Muslim world and the struggle for human rights and democratization. Will Turkey become EU´s bridge or barrier to Islam? Which human rights issues might become a road block to Turkish EU?

Ann Dismorr, current head of the International Department of the Riksdag, has been a Swedish diplomat since 1981 and a ambassador since 1999. As such she’s served in Turkey, Azerbaijan and Libanon.

The title of her talk (the final one in Human Rights and Diversity in Serious Game) is “Turkey Decoded; The European Union and Islam.”

Time: Monday, Oktober 26 13.00-15.00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E31

International Trade in Armaments – a Human Rights Consideration

(foto: Catharina Biesèrt)
(foto: Catharina Biesèrt)
Andreas Ekman, Director General for the Swedish Agency for Non-Proliferation and Export Controls, will discuss the international trade in armaments and the consequences for international peace and stability.

He will also discuss how the respect for human rights is being affected by this trade. He will put Swedish exports of JAS Gripen, airborne surveillance and armored vehicles into an international human rights perspective.

Time: Friday, October 23, 10:00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E31

Human Rights, Diversity and Successful Entrepreneurship


– Paul Lappalainen, Senior Analyst, Equality Ombudsman, DO
– Alexandra Pascalidou Journalist

Paul Lappalainen and author Alexandra Pascalidou will discuss the challenges and dynamics needed to protect the fundamental human right to equality regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, etnicity and religion or other beliefs.

Is there a relationship between diversity work, successful entrepreneurship and economic growth?

Time: Friday, October 16, 13.00-15.00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E22

Bishop Lennart Koskinen on Ethics, Morality and Human Rights


Lennart Koskinen holds a doctorate from Uppsala University in Ethics, and returns to discuss moral and ethics in contemporary society. Moral and ethics is of fundamental importance for the development of serious gaming.

Time: Wednesday, October 14, 13:00 – 15:00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E31