… and on the radio, and in the local papers. 🙂
As much as GGC is the university’s conference, it’s also the island’s. Every year we throw our doors open to the people of Gotland so they can see what we get up to. And, as part of this, we invite the local media to come and talk to our students.
We were graced with 3 reporters, and coverage of the conference and our, frankly, brilliant students.
We’re 7 days out, and are closing in on 500 attendees. Click any of the links and see how our teams are preparing and then grab yourself a ticket and come and see for yourself. It’s “pay what you want” and you can listen to some top class presentations, play some amazing games (and vote for them!), and stay for the award show and see if your favorite wins. Get your visitors pass here!

Riktigt coolt med konferensen. Hoppas den är tillbaka nästa år igen. Bra jobbat och en massa roliga människor att träffa! Tack för 2018 och hoppas vi ses igen i juni nästa år!