Join us for our next lecture in the Transformative Play Initiative Event Series: “Beyond the Couch: Psychotherapy and Live Action Role-playing” by Elektra Diakolambrianou!
When: Feb 22, 2022, 7 – 8:30 PM Central European Time (CET)
Where: Online on Zoom
Register here: https://tinyurl.com/5xahkejd
The transformative potential of live action role-playing allows players to develop holistically (on a physical, mental, emotional, creative, and social level), even when participating in games just for fun. Are the processes and elements at play different, however, when personal development happens informally in a recreational larp, as to when a larp is formally designed for psychotherapeutic purposes? What makes larp a valid and effective methodological tool in the hands of a mental health professional? In this lecture we will attempt to answer these questions by exploring characters and stories in larp as psychotherapeutic material, identifying the connections between larp and some of its most adjacent psychotherapeutic methodologies, and finally discussing how psychotherapy techniques can be used to design and use larps as tools in psychotherapy.
Hosted by:
The Transformative Play Initiative Event Series is hosted by the Games & Society Lab at the Department of Game Design, Uppsala University Campus Gotland. The series explores the use of analog role-playing games as vehicles for lasting personal and social change.
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