Announcing Alumni Days 2012

GAME Alumni Days Schedule

After a hiatus in 2011, the Alumni Days are back in full glory.

At the end of the autumn semester, just before christmas break, we invite former students currently working in the industry and try to learn from them. We’re doing two full days of guest lectures and a discussion panel – hanging or with our people from FatShark, Might & Delight, Happy Finish, PixelTamer, Meow Entertainment, Zeal Game Studio and more.

As always, we will end with a nice Christmas Party to wind down and celebrate the end of our semester. There’s currently 145 people registered for the party – that’s all game developers on the island; our students, staff, all the local game studios and our invited industry guests.

Here’s some links to previous Alumni Days:
Alumni Day 2008
Alumni Days 2009
Alumni Days 2010

See you out there!

Research and development on media processing

Time and day: 13:00- 14:00 on 25th (Fri) ,Oct
Place: E22

Fujitsu Laboratories has engaged in research and development on media processing technologies for many years. The research fields include image processing, image recognition, graphics,CODEC, audio processing, speech and language processing.

The businesses with their research outcomes have been successful. In this presentation, some of recent activities on media processing are introduced.

CV of Masami Mizutani
He received his B.S. and M.S. in electronics engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1992 and 1994 respectively. He joined in Fujitsu Laboratories LTD. and has engaged in R&D on
multimedia system, image processing and image recognition. He was a visiting scholar at Columbia University in NYC from 2003 to 2004.

He is now a research manager and conducts R&D on image processing on visual assistance for vehicle drivers.

Grendel Games visits Gotland

We met Jan-Jaap when we visited the Netherlands earlier this year. Him and Tim Laning founded Grendel Games at the end of the 90s and have since made a reasonable living from well crafted, expertly designed and validated, serious games.

In December they’ll release their newest title. A consumer-friendly serious game for the Wii with (optional) custom made controllers. How is this a serious game?

The skills required for mastery of this game overlaps entirely with the skills required to perform laparoscopic surgery.

Just to be clear: the game has *nothing* to do with surgery, but surgeons playing this game (with the custom controller) become demonstrably better at performing real world keyhole surgery. Throughout development Grendel Games have been collaborating with hospitals in the Netherlands, to validate the design and effect of the game and hardware. Absotively awesome!

Jan-Jaap has been on Gotland before, serving as a juror at Gotland Game Conference. But it was the first time we got to meet Tim. We’re currently looking in to ways for GAME and Grendel to collaborate further – internships for our students and most likely a few research projects are in the dreampipeline.

Stay stunned!

The new Serious Games course

Marcus Ingvarsson inherited the Serious Games course when Anne Duse went back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He the opportunity with both hands and ran with it!

This week saw a guest lecture by Jolyon Webb from TruSim, showing off their immensely cool game technology for military training, medicine and physiotherapy.

Next week we have 2 lectures; the first one is on Wednesday 10/10, 13.00 in D20. The prominent Ernest Adams makes a quick stop. Who knows, he might give a lecture, why don’t you come by and find out?

And on Thursday 11/10, 13.00 in E22 we’ll be gatecrashed by Professor Richard Bartle who didn’t just invent the mmo-genre but this photogenic pose as well. He’ll be talking about human rights in virtual worlds.

Wednesday, 17/10, 09.00, E22 we’ll be invaded by the mad scientists from Grendel Games. They’ll be showing their laparoscopy training game. And who knows, we might have to put a “volunteer” under the knife.

So, to sum it up:
Wednesday, 03/10, 13.00, E22
Wednesday, 10/10, 13.00, D20
Thursday, 11/10, 13.00, E22
Wednesday, 17/10, 09.00, E22

That’s all for now. See you!