The department of Game Design at Uppsala University, campus Gotland
Category: Blog
This is the highly informal blog of the GAME-department. We use it mostly to document the things we do outside of running one of the worlds strongest game educations. For information about our education, programs and courses, check the official site at Uppsala University.
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25-26 August Shuttle service from Visby airport and Visby ferry terminal (registration required).
27 August 14:30 Digital Welcome Ceremony (more information will come later).
3 September Train tour around Visby´s inner city during lunch hours.
3 and 5 September Gotland history lecture with Mikael Norrby in room B51.
4-5 September Guided walking tour around medieval Visby with the university guide Mikael Norrby (small groups; several occasions to choose from; registration required).
The votes have been counted and the Gotland Game Conference can announce its annual awards!
This year’s big winner is the first year student game Amelite, taking home Best Game Feel, Best Level Design, Best Presentation and the big one – Best in Show!
Congratulations to all the students of Sealhorse Studios: Sabina Hallmén, Oliver Lincke, Frida Björnfot, Erik Börjesson, Amanda Östman, Cédric Le Therisien, Pontus Canholm, Fabian Larsson, Sander Wellmar!
Making games is not easy at the best of times and a pandemic can never be the best time. The titles on display this year were a testament to the ingenuity, motivation and creativity of the students who had to overcome working remotely, across time zones, and without ever physically meeting their faculty, to deliver a game in just under 10 weeks of production.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the 2021 event was a virtual one. The students are now out for summer but the virtual arcade remains openfor anyone with a browser to visit and play all 29 titles here:
These are the winner of this year’s awards:
Best in Show: Amelite Jury Motivation for Amelite: “With a heart of darkness and a bright yellow cap, this game rides the line between frustration and satisfaction, but always lands on the right side.”
Runners up for Best in Show:Daidala and Aescension Jury Motivation for Daidala: “Stay a while and listen! With great charm, narration and clever gameplay, this is now my prefered version of the mythos!”
Jury Motivation for Aescension: “They use smoke and mirrors to dazzle their players, and this game does it at the caliber of a AAA studio. It conveys fear, mystery and adventure through all your senses”
The Innovation Award:Into the Dungeons Jury Motivation:“Games usually make me play for the good side, and sometimes the bad side, but for the first time I got to puzzle my way through dungeons as an agent of destiny itself!”
Uppsala University campus Gotland has been teaching game design and development for twenty years. Since the very beginning this annual event has been an important part of their education, and a public celebration of their student’s work. In addition to making their games available for the public to play, the students get their games tested and evaluated by a panel of experts from the international games industry and academia.
The GGC is an intimate event where students, professional game developers, game design faculty and the public all gather in the same space; playtesting, discussing and learning together. To mimic that experience in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic we created a virtual show floor. We are going to keep it running as long as possible, so if you missed the show you can still play the games. Open a browser tab to to drop in and visit our virtual arcade!
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Open a browser tab and drop straight into our virtual arcade and play some games!
It’s open 24/7, but you can meet the student-developers between 13:00-16:00 (Swedish time) this week. OH! And don’t forget to vote for your favorite titles in the Public Choice Award!
The virtual arcade includes a lovely park and a bar, and lots of hidden secrets. 🙂
Quick tutorial for
Posted on - Comments Off on The Importance of Play (Marie Jarrell) CategoriesBlog, Guest Lectures
The series invites practitioners and researchers in and around game design to present their work, thoughts, and process. In this episode, Dr. Marie Jarrell talks about embodied identification, the connection you get from controlling a game character. Can playing games change the way we see ourselves? Can it change how we see the people around us?
A total of three episodes are planned for the spring, released over the next two months.