A jam to show off the student games that were supposed to show at the (cancelled) Gotland Game Conference!
We sadly had to cancel the Gotland Game Conference 2020 due to the Corona outbreak. Even without a show floor, however, our students are all still producing A TON of new games this semester which need to be play tested, scrutinized and celebrated!
We expect to have more than 40 games available for anyone to play, for free, from the comfort of their own homes. Everyone is welcome to join in and vote on the games they play!
Game Submissions will be open between May 1st (12:00) – June 1st (12:00) (local time).
Public play testing and voting will happen on June 1st – June 4th. (12:00, Swedish time).
As with the regular GGC, student participation is entirely voluntary and is not a part of your course work. You are not graded for your performance in the event.
The 2019 Educators Summit ended last week, and saw 32 participants from 14 institutions travel to Visby to share their experiences with each other.
For soon-to-be three years, the Educators Summit has created a space to discuss the work and subjects that we collectively fly under the banner of game education. We have looked at teaching, research, outreach to industry and how to form a closer bond with each other.
983 registered ticket holders, up from 804 last year.
Nearly 40 experts volunteered to work on the jury – traveling to Visby for three days of intense play testing and mentoring. They play, the give feedback and they spend an inordinate amount of time every evening debating what they have experienced, before they’re able to narrow down the final award line-up.