Pirates vs Roylaists is a top-down 2D naval battle simulator for the arcades. Using steering wheels from real ships and thick ropes to fire the cannons and hoist the sails, PvR takes realism to a new level.
Producer: Viktor Lundmark
Graphics: Cecilia Bexander, Christopher Nylander, Erik Anjou, Jonas Trapp, Magnus Bergfall, Sebastian Gustafsson
Programmer: Henry Helin, Simon Carlsson
Sound: Magnus Bergfall, Viktor Lundmark
Music: Shay MacKay
Forticore is a competitive arcade game pitting players of 2 different game types against each other.
Forticore at the Gotland Game Awards 2010
Protagonist; As a cute bunny you will leap from platforms, over pits of spikes, through crumbling icecream caves as well as dodging airborne obstacles. Breaking down fortresses level after level. It is a twist on retro platforming games with real time interaction from the enemy side.
Dungeon Master; A unique spin on tower defense gameplay that will appeal to players of all skill levels. Your fortresses are being raided as well as destroyed, and it’s up to you to prevent it by strategically spawning defenses. With a Touch Screen interface allowing for a more hands on interaction and immersive gameplay experience.
Producer: Jonas Lewis
Graphics: Tove Jading, Kakee Lau, Youssef Khatib, Tobias Wahlberg
Programmer: Felix Thålin, Martin Melander, Filip Gärdhagen
Sound: Miras Chowdhury (external)
Avarice is a 4 player horror game where you fight each other over an antidote that will save your life. The game is played out in a fictive ghost town, inspired by the old English countryside.
All the characters have been poisoned. In order to survive, you need to find the ingredients and mix an antidote. But there’s one problem, there’s only enough antidote components to cure one of you. As the poison starts to corrupt your mind, you determine that you have to gather these components for yourself if you are to survive – taking them from the dead hands of your opponents, if that should be necessary.
When you happen to just fall out of a plane together with 3 other persons to a certain death, there is only one thing to do. See who can die last! Use all the stuff you regularly keep in your pockets (like anvils and fishing rods…) to ensure you’re the last one to hit the ground!