Time: Wednesday, January 20th, 13:00-15:00
Location: Almedalen library, E22.
Alumni Days Christmas Party 2009
It’s that magical time of the year again; when we take a week out of our ordinary programming to invite our industry friends and former students to the island. This year we arranged three full days for our guests to hang out and hold awesome workshops and lectures with our current budding game developers.
As you’ve come to expect from us we end the event (and indeed – the semester) with a big (christmas) bang: a mocap studio filled with games and happy GAMErs, invited VIPs and DJ Doctor Dryg.
GAME Alumni:
Mikael Hedberg – Frictional Games
Tobias Lundmark – Starbreeze Studios
Peter StrÃ¥hle – formerly with GRIN.
Johan Svahn – One Man Productions
Andreas Wieslander – Production Manager at Burning Man Studios
Annika Fogelgren – Founder and production manager at Cherrytech Studios
Industry Invites:
Nils Stadling – Microsoft Sweden
Carsten Orthband – Pixeltamer
Emma Mellander – Nordic Game
Charlotte Ryberg – Disco Volante
Martin Ekdal – Donya Labs
Koshjar Hamedi – Donya Labs
Gotlands Allehanda: “Japanska spelforskare bygger nätverk pÃ¥ ön”
Our collaboration with Tokyo Tech has been ongoing for three years. Our Department head Steven Bachelder visited Tokyo a couple of months ago and this week we had Professor Akihiko Shirai and Professor Masayuki Nakajima on the island, to discuss our future plans together and to hold a world class workshop with our students.
Gotlands Allehanda: “Japanska spelforskare bygger nätverk pÃ¥ ön” (machine translation)
Programming workshop with Akihiko Shirai

Oh yes. The creator of WiiMedia and professor of interaction technology – Akihiko Shirai – quickly whipped our programmers into shape with Processing and let them loose with the Wiimotes.
He divided them into small teams of three to four students (each given a specific role) and – in just three short days – we saw them produce a pancake-frying simulation, darts, horse racing, space shooters, a classic artillery game and more.
The “winning” team (by votes among all participants) created a dueling game of spellcasting in a classic western setting, and were awarded Prof. Shirai’s personal blue Wiimote. 🙂