Pangolin Party

Pangolin Party is a easy going competitive couch versus game where you play as either a spy or a hunter. If you play as the spy you try to blend in with the cute AI and complete tasks without the hunter realising who you are. If you play as the hunter, you too, try to you blend in with the AI whilst trying to determine who the spy is, and then go on to lick the suspect, if you get it wrong; you get jailed, if you get it right; you win!

Pangolin Party won The Almedalen Library Award at the Gotland Game Conference 2019!


  • Clément Pirelli – Programmer/Graphics Programmer,
  • Erik Rosenberg – Producer/Scrum Master,
  • Ana Laura Martinez – 3D Character Models/Animations/Texturer,
  • Matthias Jannidis – Programmer/Designer/Writer,
  • Anna Malkan Nelson – Designer/Product Owner,
  • Therese Carlsund – 3D Enviroment/Textures

Pangolin Party was developed for PC in Unity using Maya, 3DSMax, Motion Builder, Substance Painter, Photoshop, Zbrush, Git Extensions.