This post is backdated and was published 2018-02-17. It is an early interview (in Swedish, sorry) with then-prefect Tord Berglund, about a student exhibit at the Department of technology, art and new media (as we known at the time). Public exhibition- and play testing of student games have always been a big part of the game educations on Gotland, and what Tord describes in this interview is very much a proto-Gotland Game Awards, just before we properly established the format of the educations and the event.
Utställningen där man ska röra föremålen
Publicerat fredag 4 juni 2004 kl 15.30
För ett år sedan var studenterna kritiska mot högskolans spelutbildning och startade upprop mot den kvaliteten – idag är det andra tongångar. Och nu visas deras vårutställning. Eter har besökt den.