Gotland Game Awards 2010 – the fifth in as many years – takes place at Wisby Strand next week, Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th. Admittance is free and open for the public! So if you’re passing by Almedalen make sure to drop in and test all games on display, watch some movies and win something. 🙂
Gotland Game Awards is an annual competition and price ceremony where our students gets to display their productions to a jury of industry professionals. The jury this year includes over 25 international members from the game and computer graphics industry; people from Lionhead, Microsoft, Starbreeze and Paradox (just to name a few) will come here next week to play and give feedback on the games.
The students are competing in 18 different categories spanning from “Best XNA Game”, to “Best Serious Game”. One of the most important awards is the UNICEF Award for Human Rights. There are also special categories for the students creating computer animated movies. Last year Disney Pixar attended GGA and held seminars and gave feedback on the students’ projects. This year John Klepper and Steven Ilous (who created the special effects for The Matrix Trilogy!) will participate in the event.
Our industry sponsors have donated prices totaling more than 300 000€ to award the students. These prices range from games and software licenses, to travels where the students will get to show off their games at some of the biggest game events in the world. All prices are handed out during the glamorous award gala of the second evening.
It will be a spectacular show with champagne, fireworks and frickin’ laser beams!
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