
Sumo was originally created as an school assignment in the theme ”modernistic game”. Sumo is a modernistic fighting game based on finger wrestling. The first version of Sumo was made with the program Gamemaker and simple graphic. The game received good reviews at school and Yokaj Studio decided to compete in Swedish Game Awards with Sumo. Two weeks before the competitions deadline, they started rebuilding the game in Java. Even though all the members of the studio are artists they succeded making a functional game. The reward came when Sumo won the ”Best game concept” cathegory in Swedish Game Awards 2006.

Read more about Sumo at Yokaj Studios official site.

Sumo på Spelfest 2006

Susanne Möller at DN wrote about Sumo when they exhibited at Spelfest in 2006
Susanne Möller at DN wrote about Sumo when they exhibited at Spelfest in 2006

Sumo på SGA 2006 SuperPLAY

Super Play highlighted Sumo at the Swedish Game Awards 2007
Super Play highlighted Sumo at the Swedish Game Awards 2007

Azida Keep

Azida Keep is a turn-based, digital board game where you and up to three friends play adventurers entering the Keep at dusk, seeking to possess the treasures of the great Serpent.

You play the role of one of ten adventurers burdened by fate to enter the Keep, defying the certain death and madness waiting inside the heavy doors. The many legends of visitors lost forever or returning in madness is testament to the abominations and horrors lurking inside the dark chambers of the Keep. But legend also has it that in the very center of the Keep rests the great Serpent on a hoard of treasures and ancient artifacts.

  • Azida Keep is designed to provide a genuine board game feeling – fiddle with your cards, roll the dice, and watch the pieces come to life as the dungeon is explored.
  • Top-down perpective dungeon-exploring with beautiful graphics depicting the dark chambers of a far-away keep with architecture and inhabitants coming from asian myths.
  • Smart turn-based game play will keep you busy even when waiting for your turn. You will always be busy weighing risks against each other or talking to your friends who are up to the very same struggle.
  • Become the dungeon master and take control of the monsters of the Keep or fight desperately to keep your adventurer alive against creatures controlled by your human opponents!
  • The Keep’s chambers, corridors, murderous traps and iniquitous statues are randomly generating a diabolic maze every game session, which means limitless replayability!
  • The Keep is actually dangerous. Fear, survival and imminent death makes it a true achievement making it out at all. Winning is always a second priority.
  • Face numerous hideous creatures in the Keep’s darkness and flee or fight them using a brand new combat system in which each character’s fighting style is unique and must be played differently in order to win. No more mindless hack’n’slash.
  • Everything in the Keep hates you. Not even that which looks like treasure is safely picked up or consumed. Be at your toes trying to determine and learn what in the dungeon holds you dear and what will explode in the curious adventurer’s face. Nothing is certain.
  • The ever-expanding dungeon holds devilish traps, a complete subterranean level, trinkets and treasure along the way as well as chests, bottomless pits, intelligent monsters and lots of other features to make the exploration of the dungeon a truly enjoyable experience.

Jakob Berglund Rogert, Project Management and Design
Nicklas Mattisson, 2D Graphics and Communications Manager
Martin Lanner, 3D Artist
Johan Ericsson, Lead Artist, Visual Design, Management
Jonas “Endasil” Stohr, Programming
Carl Craaford, Programming
Jimmy Dahlin, Art (external)
Mikael Hedberg, Design, Sound
Carl Stålnäbb, Artist, Animation

Azida Keep Development Snapshot
Azida Keep Development Snapshot

Introduction to game development (2005)

Introduction to game development 2005 – this year we expanded the course somewhat. We began with holding a concept document workshop, were students were given roles and fitting tasks to perform. The class (now conveniently divided into teams) then got to choose from this pile of concepts to implement.

So the recipe is simple:

  1. hold a concept document workshop where people are given responsibilities to fulfill.
  2. give them tools (Flash and Photoshop) and point to info and tutorials (online)
  3. teach them how to make a simple space shooter, and a little Photoshop.
  4. Tell them “Choose a concept, work in this group, deliver a game on this date”
  5. Profit!

Like magic – they’ll come running with scissors games. 🙂

Introduction to game development (2004)

Introduction to Game Development is a crash course attended by all first year students in the autumn. It’s true shock-treatment and touches briefly on all issues of game development: simple engine building, 2D physics, implementing game logic, drawing sprites, animating characters, getting content from the artists in the game, synchronizing visual style through the use of mood boards, creating task lists, artifact lists, usability, common project related problems, common cooperation problems and how to get several people to all contribute to a single solution, a final goal.

The games themselves range from basic Breakout and Pong-clones, to simple toys like Bomb & Rabbit to truly original designs like Petal Pusher or Holysm. But most importantly: what is picked up from this one important course is generally applicable to all projects throughout your time at GAME.