The department of Game Design at Uppsala University, campus Gotland
Category: Arcade games
Arcades and theme park games. The arcades are the first big game project, and thus games in this category are primarily built and developed by first year students. We recommend you use the tag cloud to the right to filter the student work.
Fly through the skies with three opponents and try to be the first to reach the goal. Built with Unity, coded with Visual Studio and visualized with Photoshop.
You and friends play as rock climbing frogs, intent on reaching the top of the highest mountain. There’s only room for one frog at the top though, so it’s a race to the summit using whatever means necessary in order to become the most glorious frog climber.
Frog Climbers at the Gotland Game Conference 2015
Frogs grab each other and literally use their opponents as laddersteps on their way to the top. Coupled with the ragdoll physics, this makes for a lot of hilarious chaotic scenarios. Frog Climbers has been designed to encourage this player interaction as much as possible. The final result is a chaotic party game that leaves all players shouting as they try to beat each other in very close matches.
Summit Chasers is a competitive jumping platformer where two players compete in a chase towards the top of a mountain. Brawl your opponent, collect rune stones, and smash through the environment all while avoiding the perils of the mountainside. Jump, grab and explode your way to the summit while leaving your rival behind!
Summit Chasers at the Gotland Game Conference 2015
Summit Chasers accepting the Cha-Ching Award (most commercially viable) at the Gotland Game Conference 2015
Row faster. Get drunker. Avoid shark…er. Gather rum. Beat your opponent. Be a pirate.
Drunken Pirate Escape is a two-player racing game designed for an arcade setting. Players engage in a race for their lives, rowing with the game’s joystick-oar novel input device, avoiding enemies such as sharks, navigating obstacles such as sandbars and coral reefs, and drinking rum to fuel their efforts.
Key Features:
Row using the game’s novel input device: the joystick-oars
Race against your friends, and try to hold the highscore record!
Pontus Hassis: Producer
Dee Majek: Lead Designer
Simon Lundgren: Lead Programmer
Adrienne Gunnarsson: Lead Art
Anders Schultheiss: Lead Tech
Danielle Unéus: Artist
Drunken Pirate Escape was made using MSVS 2014, Adobe Photoshop, SourceTree, Github, PaintTool SAI, and rum.