FalconShield Music

Josef Falkensköld – the one man freakshow band behind the Swedish metal wonder. The diabolic architect of the dance-band renaissance during the 21th century. The fifth member of ABBA.

Josef Falconshield in front of a sedated herd of students. ... pretty frame to hide the poor panorama stitching. :D
Josef Falconshield in front of a sedated herd of students. … pretty frame to hide the poor panorama stitching. 😀

A self employed composer and sound designer for various media, when he’s not busy touring the world with the Rolling stones he’s making noise for a variety of different gaming companies. And making money in the process…

Today however, he visited GAME to talk to our students about music and sound effects in games. Mucho cool.

Next week we’ll try and visit the students in the dungeons their offices. Stay tuned!

Presentation at Fryshuset

Adam Mayes and I went to Stockholm last week to present for the Game Development students at Fryshuset. We’d been ask to talk on the topic “Setting up an Indie Studio in 2015”.

We shared the day on stage with Microsoft, DICE and several game educations from across Sweden. We felt that it went very well, the audience was genuinely interested and we had such a good time on stage that we ran over. A lot. 😛

Anyway – we wanted to share the story with you but just as we were about to do this writeup a letter arrived. It’s from a student who was in the audience that day.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: About Fryshuset gymnasium lecture
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 15:02:16 +0200
To: Adam Mayes

I just wanted to mail you saying thank you for showing up at my school and having a lecture about indie-game development.

Doing so has really helped me deciding towards what högskola I want to attend to in a years time when I graduate. You could really see what kind of serious school HGO is as you stood there talking. It is too bad you did not get more time as I could have sat there and listened all day while the other schools who were there just held presentations that were plain boring and seemed to have been scraped together ten minutes before they started. They were not interested in what they were talking about and didnt show any passion, it also felt like they were just making bad attempts at trashtalking other schools instead of showing what their’s had to offer.

But for you, you really stuck to the subject and gave great tips about how to start up our own companies and you were the only ones with some serious content that was helpfull. The other schools stood there talking about basic stuff about starting indie-game companies that we can figure out ourselfs as they tried to cover up that, frankly, they do not know how to do it.

Once again, thank you Adam and your friend whose name I do not know (maybe you can forward this to him?) for coming to Fryshusets Gymnasium.
I hope I will be seeing you again in the near future, but then I hope it will be in your school.

-------- EOM --------

Being Swedish and thus genetically opposed to boasting, we’ll just leave this here… and allow you to soak in the greatness of Tag Team Terror. 🙂

Our slides are available through Google Docs.

Samantha Youssef from Studio Technique

Samantha Youssef is a Canadian character animator and animation director, she currently runs (and founded!) Studio Technique in Montreal and she has worked in both feature films and video games for Walt Disney Animation, Filmax, and Ubisoft.

Bring drawing pad and pencils, a good memory and your questions on 2D animation, drawing or animation in general!

Time: Monday, April 16th, 10:00
Location: E22

This lecture is strongly recommended to all animation- and graphic students. And anyone with an interest in those topics. 🙂

The first concept pitch

A week has gone by and it’s time for the first year students to pitch their arcade concepts to the department staff.

Stand your ground!

Koala Corps. storyboard
Koala Corps. storyboard

Marcus Ingvarsson – the primary instructor of the first year students – claims these people (his people) will kick the teeth out of every other year this education ever saw.

Not that he’s partial or anything. 🙂