The eight lecture in our series for Human Rights and Diversity in Serious Game is held by former Swedish ambassador Börje Ljunggren.
Börje‘s been our ambassador to both China (02-06) and Vietnam (94-97). He is currently the chair person of the China Forum and the SEB Asia Council and also on the board of the Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. He holds a Ph.D. in political science and is an associate of Harvard University Asia Center as well as the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies. His latest book “China; the drama of time” was published in 2008.
China’s lack of respect for human rights is a challenge to the world. Will China’s integration into the world economy and the world community ultimately result in China becoming a democracy or will China remain an authoritarian state going it’s own way. How resiliant is Chinese authoritarianism?
Time: Friday, October 9 10:00-12:00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E31