Staffan Ingeborn, InnovationsKapital AB

Staffan Ingeborn (foto:

Announcing lecture six in our course Human Rights and Diversity in Serious Game, held by Staffan Ingeborn of InnovationsKapital fame.

Staffan founded InnKap in 1994, and has since made more than 60 succesfull investments and made more successfull exits than any other Nordic venture capital company. Staffan has a unique track record within early stage venture capital, and is currently advising four generations of Inn-Kap funds worth more than 300 million euro.Staffan Ingeborn will give a presentation and

Staffan will give practical advice on how to start your own gaming company and to attract willing risk capital for development. How can gaming companies develop into succesful enterprises within the commerical sector and with serious games?

Fredag 25 september, 13.00-15.00, Sal E31.
“Venture Capital in Practice.”Staffan Ingeborn, InnovationsKapital AB.
A presentation and practical advice how you begin your own gaming company and to attract willing risk capital for development. How can gaming companies develop into succesful enterprises within the commerical sector and with serious games.
CV: InnovationsKapital started 1994 by Staffan Ingeborn. The company is today adviser to four generations of Inn-Kap funds worth 300 million EURO. The company has more than 60 successful investments since the company was started and it has made more successful exits than any other Nordic venture capital company. Staffan has a unique track record within early stage venture capital, especially companies working in rapidly developing growth markets.

Time: Friday, September 25 13.00-15.00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E31

Peter Kullgard, veteran Game Producer

Peter Kullgard (foto: Mirjam Eladhari)

Peter Kullgard is a game producer and – with twelve releases under his belt – one of Swedens most experienced industry veterans. He’s been working with all the big names in Swedish industry – Massive, Paradox, DICE, Starbreeze and abroad, with companies like Ascaron Entertainment, Deep Silver, Sierra and TDK to mention a few.

Peter is coming monday, to talk to our first year students about “What it Takes to Work in the Industry”. He will also be giving plenty of time for Q&A.

Mandatory for all 1st year students. Open for 2nd, 3rd and 4th while seats are available.

Time: Monday, September 21 13.00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E22

Lise Bergh, Secretary General Amnesty International

Lise Bergh (foto: Kristina Lindquist)
Lise Bergh (foto: Kristina Lindquist)

Lecture five in our course Human Rights and Diversity in Serious Games is held by Lise Berg – Secretary General of Amnesty International. Before joining Amnesty, Lise worked as secretary of state (1999-2006) with a focus on human rights, gender equality, integration, democracy, national minorities and social movements.

Bergh will make an introduction to the UN system, presenting the undivisible and interrelated economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights. She will discuss the death penalty, the fundamental rights to freedom of speech and the right to asylum will be put into the context of our daily lives. Finally she will introduce us to Amnestys campaign “Demand Dignity!”

Time: Friday, September 18, 15.00-17.00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E31

Want to take the course? The application date has been extended to 18th of September.

A Dialogue on Human Rights

Bishop Lennart Koskinen (foto: Jim Elfström/Ikon)
Bishop Lennart Koskinen (foto: Jim Elfström/Ikon)
Imam Suad Mohamed (foto: Susanne Paulsson)
Imam Suad Mohamed (foto: Susanne Paulsson)
Prof. Mohammed Fazlhashemi (foto: Mattias Pettersson)
Prof. Mohammed Fazlhashemi (foto: Mattias Pettersson)

This is lecture four in Human Rights and Diversity in Serious Games, and has a somewhat different focus. This time we set aside the games for a while, and talk about human rights in another context; that of religion and culture.

Bishop Lennart Koskinen, together with Imam Suad Mohamed and proffessor Fazlhashemi, will discuss the monotheistic religions – Judaism, Islam and Christianity; what brings them together and what divides them, the social and political process.

Time: Friday, September 11, 10:00 – 12:00
Location: HGO, lecture hall E22

Want to take the course? The application date has been extended to 18th of September.