Jason Booth on game design & being effective in the industry

Harmonix Jason Booth is a game designer, -developer, musician and all-round wünderkind who’s recent releases include Guitar Hero 1, 2 and Rock Band.

He was involved in the early days of Turbine (Asherons Call, Lord of The Rings, etc) and Conduit Labs, and is currently employed at Harmonix. And he blogs about iphone game development on his spare time…

Jason will be here for three days – two days of lectures and a third to give feedback on your GGA Projects.

Game design, theory and practice
Time: Wednesday, April 29, 15:00 – 16:30
Location: HGO, B52

Being effective in the game industry
Time: Thursday, April 30, 10:00 – 12:30
Location: HGO, B52

GGA Projects presentation & feedback
Time: Friday, April 31, 11:30 – 13:30
Location: HGO, B52

Peter Stråhle from GRIN


Peter Stråhle returns for another session on art fundamentals and to hold a short workshop – sharing his experience of common modelling mistakes and demonstrating a more efficient work flow in 3D Studio Max.

Anyone interested in game specific art can get some great material here, but the art fundamentals are an especially helpful tool for your team based productions. These are true tricks of the trade. 🙂

We’ve also scheduled some time the following day for Peter to come visit your groups and give feedback on your GGA projects.

Time: Thursday, April 23, 13:00 – 17:00
Location: HGO, E22

Johan Lindfors from Microsoft on XNA Game Studio 3

poster xna seminar Johan Lindfors is a developer and technical chief at Microsoft Sweden and will come here to hold a seminar on XNA Game Studio 3.0.

Johan will introduce the platform and tech, and promised lots of code and hands-on demos. But he will also share his experience and give practical advice for development and project management. Should be very interesting for the budding game developers among us… 😉

Time: Friday, february 27, 12:30-15:00
Location: Almedalen library, E22.

Johan Carlberg from Avalanche Studios

Avalanche Studios Johan has been working with different aspects of the graphics pipeline at Avalanche Studios and is interested in being a regular lecturer here at GAME.

All GAME graphics students that are able should attend the lecture so we can get some feedback.

Time: Friday, February 20, 10:00-12:00
Location: HGO, E30