Game Technologies in Larp and Tabletop RPGs

Join us for our lecture in the Erasmus EDGE Event Series: “Game Technologies in Larp and Tabletop RPGs” by Taisto Suominen from Turku University of Applied Sciences! This event is part of our Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership for curriculum development in transformative game design.

When: Tuesday, May 7 from 7:00-8:30pm CET
Where: Online on Zoom

Register here:
RSVP here:

Link will be provided to registrants on the day of the event. Make sure to sign in with the same name you used to register.

Erasmus EDGE is a joint Higher Education Cooperation Partnership project between Uppsala University, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Dragons’ Nest, Chaos League, and Avalon Larp Studio.

Gotland Game Hub, April 24

:star2: Tomorrow at Gotland Game Hub! :star2:

This week we are very pleased to welcome our esteemed colleague Don Geyer who will guide you through the process of how to get your indie game published on Steam! This will be an incredibly useful session for all of you out there urging to get your projects published on the platform, but may not know quite where to get started (or where to go next).

As always, our Community Pop-up awaits you from 13.00 to 17:00 for game crafting, testing and enjoyment. Networking coffee at 15:00, followed by Don’s talk at 15:30, and an opportunity to share your game ideas, projects or announcements at the Open Mic session.

Welcome! :rocket:

:date: Date: Wednesday, April 24
:clock1: Time: 13:00 – 17:00
:microphone: Gotland Game Talk & Open Mic: 15:30
:round_pushpin: Location: Rindi

Gotland Game Hub, April 17

The Gotland Game Hub (at Rindi 13:00-17:00, Wednesday April 17) is bringing not one, but two guests this week!

14:00: Denis Ilecic, Business Developer at Paradox Interactive, will join GGH to hang out and talk.
15:30 Johan Eriksson, Game Developer and lecturer at the department, will talk about translating narrative voice into interactive system.

As always, fika will be served at 15:00!

Online seminar on industry pathways in games

Welcome to join this seminar organized by Svenska spelforskarrådet (Council of Swedish Games Researchers) to learn more about pathways to the game industry.

When: Wednesday April 10, 13.00-14.30
Where: Zoom
What: Information about industry careers in games

The Swedish and international game industry is growing and more people study games and game development. We now see vocational training in game development as well as bachelor study programmes in different academic areas (IT, humanities, media, media technologies, game design…).

In this seminar we aim to explore different ways to join the game industry. A panel of experts will discuss questions such as: what kind of competencies are attractive? What do game studios look for when they hire? What can you do to optimize your chances of finding a job? What are the possible careers in the game industry today?

At this seminar, you will get a deeper understanding of these questions and others, as well as an excellent opportunity to ask representatives from education and industry about their thoughts on the topic of pursuing a career in the game industry.

The panel consists of:

  • Marcus Toftedahl (Moderator, Game dev business coach), Science Park Skövde
  • Sahar Asadi, Director of AI Labs at King
  • Martin Annander (Freelance Game Developer), Playtank Sweden
  • Mea Nilimaa (Head of Business Development), G.Round
  • Diego Navarro (PhD Student/Adjunct Lecturer), Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH)
  • Ran Zhang (Bonny) (Senior lecturer), Högskolan i Skövde