Gotland Game Awards 2009

Gotland Game Awards is our proud annual highlight – a drum roll and high-hat emphasizing all the hard work of the year gone by. But the astounding energy and inspiration of GGA 2009 made it much more than a mere accentuation!

It was a tremendous climax – cymbals and horns, percussion, a god light and a choir of angels! A zenith, for all our students and staff to end this year by.

We’re still recovering from GAME’s largest event to date, the official web is soon to be properly updated, but for now – please enjoy some pics . 🙂

Gotland Game Jam (Spring 09)

Thread on the student forums
Theme: “This place will never be big enough for both of us”
Restrictions: Multiplayer co-op.

The FTP was lost during the event! If you’ve got some of these games lying around, please contact Ulf to have them added to the collection.

Best Game: Belzebub Boys

Best Graphics: DATABOX games

Most Fun: Hypermegafiststorm

IT-minister Ã…sa Torstensson opens our new Mocap Studio

Ã…sa Torstensson - Minister for Communications - inaugurate the new mocap studio.The Swedish Minister for Communications – Ã…sa Torstensson – came to Gotland to inaugurate our brand spanking new motion capture studio in the Visby harbour!

Motion capture (mocap for short) is the process of recording movement and translating that movement onto a digital model. Our new studio features 12 Eagle-cameras covering an area of 35m² (7×5), and is able to track multiple concurrent actors with millimetre precision. It’s a proven set-up used in many games and movies.

The new studio represent a handsome investment of 3.5 million kronor for our students to abuse – garnering attention enough to have Swedish radio and television join the the enthusiastic mob as Torstensson cut the ribbon.

Direct links to the radio interviews (Swedish only, sorry):

Minister Ã…sa Torstensson
Prof. Steven Bachelder

More pictures: