Our students invited the press to come visit behind-the-scenes to see the games under construction for next weeks’ Gotland Game Conference. The article is un-available behind a paywall, so here’s a PDF for you: Studenter Visar Upp Spel.pdf
Back from alt.ctrl.GDC 2019
alt.ctrl.GDC is a unique showcase of alternative control schemes and interactions in games at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, and for the second year in a row, three of our student teams were awarded a slot on the showfloor! (Coal Rush, Neon Nemesis and ReLeap. )
Gamasutra wrote about each game back in January when the 20 strong line-up was announced:
There wasn’t much video coverage this year, but Phillip Chu Joy took the time to walk the floor and record all 20 games, it’s in Spanish but provides some much needed overview of the crazy creativity being on display:
RockPaperShotgun were there and wrote about their experiences: I got tied to a chair at Alt.Ctrl.GDC and it was wild. Tom’s Guide loved the nefarious multiplayer nature of Neon Nemesis, as documented in their write-up: Haunted Couches, Escape Rooms and Guitar Combat: The Weirdest Games of GDC. Arcade Heroes seemed to really see the potential in Neon Nemesis. Finally, CNN wrote about both Neon Nemesis, and Coal Rush.
Our students also got a fair response from other developers. Here’s Ubisofts’ Aaron McClay;

And Seal Games’ Christian Haja:
And finally, some photos from the teams themselves on the show floor in San Francisco:
Of course, reading about these games is not the same as playing them! If you want to try our new games out (without having to travel to the US to do so), come meet us at this years Gotland Game Conference in June. There is a Pay What You Want-option to get full access to ~50 entirely new games. It’s also a great opportunity to meet our students and faculty, if you’re interesting in studying game design and development.
Find out more at the Gotland Game Conference website, and get your tickets here!
Games for Youth Health (student presentations at Region Gotland)
Today the students in our course “Product Development for Games” had a public presentation of the work they have done in cooperation with Child-and student health at Region Gotland.

Nyttiga spel utvecklas av Campus Gotland – P4 Gotland
Ofta uppmärksammas de negativa effekterna av spelande exempelvis stillasittande och konflikter om skärmtid. Men nu har studenter tagit fram spelförslag …
Spel ska hjälpa barn och unga som mår dåligt
Nu har speldesignstudenter från Campus Gotland försökt hitta svaret på om spel kan hjälpa barn och unga som mår dåligt.
The students have worked with external organisations and individual citizens to develop four game designs that could contribute to the health and wellbeing of children and young people living on Gotland. The assignment and event were put together within the umbrella or our partnership with Region Gotland.
Universitetsstudenter presenterade spel för barn och ungas hälsa och välmående – Region Gotland
Under gårdagen presenterade studenter från kursen ”Produktutveckling för spel” de arbeten de har gjort i samverkan med barn- och elevhälsan vid Region Gotland. Samarbetet har gjorts under partnerskapets vingar, det partnerskap som finns mellan Uppsala Universitet Campus Gotland och Region Gotland.
alt.ctrl.GDC 2019

The 2019 Game Developers Conference is just months away, and today the organizers announced the 20 games that were selected to exhibit at alt.ctrl.GDC, the on-site showcase of alternative control schemes and interactions in games.
Like last year we managed to earn three of those coveted spots on the San Francisco show floor – well played and congratulations to Coal Rush, Neon Nemesis and ReLeap!