FalconShield Music

Josef Falkensköld – the one man freakshow band behind the Swedish metal wonder. The diabolic architect of the dance-band renaissance during the 21th century. The fifth member of ABBA.

Josef Falconshield in front of a sedated herd of students. ... pretty frame to hide the poor panorama stitching. :D
Josef Falconshield in front of a sedated herd of students. … pretty frame to hide the poor panorama stitching. 😀

A self employed composer and sound designer for various media, when he’s not busy touring the world with the Rolling stones he’s making noise for a variety of different gaming companies. And making money in the process…

Today however, he visited GAME to talk to our students about music and sound effects in games. Mucho cool.

Next week we’ll try and visit the students in the dungeons their offices. Stay tuned!

Samantha Youssef from Studio Technique

Samantha Youssef is a Canadian character animator and animation director, she currently runs (and founded!) Studio Technique in Montreal and she has worked in both feature films and video games for Walt Disney Animation, Filmax, and Ubisoft.

Bring drawing pad and pencils, a good memory and your questions on 2D animation, drawing or animation in general!

Time: Monday, April 16th, 10:00
Location: E22

This lecture is strongly recommended to all animation- and graphic students. And anyone with an interest in those topics. 🙂

Text-2-Vision Workshop

International Research School of Game Design (IRSGD) in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology (Ti-Tech) presents;

TVML Workshop with Dr. Hayashi from Tokyo Tech.

This Workshop is mandatory for:
Game Design & Programming; 2nd & 3rd year students
Game Design & Graphics; 3rd year students
1st years student allowed if there’s room left!

Thursday – 16th Feb; 13:00 – 17:00, E31
Friday – 17th Feb; 13:00 – 17:00, E31
Monday – 20st Feb; 13:00 – 17:00, E31
Tuesday – 21nd Feb; 13:00 – 17:00, E31

The goal of the workshop is to make a broadcast quality animated video segment. Each group of students chooses one of the following themes.
(1) News show (this is a must)
(2) Documentary (short story)
(3) Children’s show
(4) Comedy show
(5) Talk show
(6) Other TV program genre

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLYUPDc_0Eg (News show)
http://youtu.be/e3W6hAsOYv4 (Short story, Japanese)

Masaki Hayashi: Text-To-Vision and TVML

T2V is a technology that converts text to vision. It enables a user to create computer animation by simply typing in a script on a PC. We developed a PC application named “T2V Player” that interprets a user’s script to produce animation in real-time by using real-time computer graphics (CG), synthesized voices and other techniques.

In his presentation, Masaki will first explain the basic concept of T2V and TVML and show some demonstrations with T2V Player actually in working and introduce available functions of T2V Player. Then, he will introduce number of activities so far and related developments. Lastly he will discuss the future prospect and research theme examples based on this technology.

Masaki Hayashi received his B.S., M.S. and Dr. Eng. in electronics engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1980, 1983 and 1999 respectively. He has engaged in research on CG, image-processing, image compositing systems and virtual studios. He is currently involved in research on automatic TV program generation using scripting language TVML.

Masaki Hayashi on the web.

Time: Monday, Oktober 17th, 10:00 – 12:00
Location: B51

This workshop is open (and strongly recommended) to all GAME programming students!