The talks are online!

Malena Klaus, on kickstarted intimacy - designing intimate spaces for strangers
Malena Klaus, on kickstarted intimacy – designing intimate spaces for strangers

The presentations are now available on our YouTube-channel. Even better – if you prefer reading you can click through these links to find a) a description and the video for each talk and b) our live Twitter coverage of each talk. Highly recommended!

Niklas Nylund, on Finnish gaming through the centuries

Niklas Nylund. Photo by Saana Säilynoja / Vapriikki Photo Archives
Niklas Nylund is a museum researcher working for the Finnish Museum of Games in Tampere, Finland. He is also working on a PhD at the Game Research Lab at the University of Tampere. He’s visiting us at the end of the month, and we’re taking the opportunity to have him share his deep knowledge and passion for the native gaming scene of our Scandinavian sister country!

Room: F20
Time: Tue 27/2, 16:00
Title: Finnish gaming from the 19th to the 21th century

The Finnish game industry is responsible for international hit games such as Nokia Snake (1997), Max Payne (2001), Angry Birds (2009) and Clash of Clans (2012). These games did not spring up overnight, however. The success of Finnish game companies is grounded on a centuries long interest in games and gaming, with a vivid gaming culture already in place in the 19th century. Researcher Niklas Nylund from the Finnish Museum of Games talks about what Finnish gaming has looked like in three different centuries.

The lecture is open to all game students on a first-come-first-serve basis!

psst… if exploration of eastern European gaming history is your jam and you want to warm up, we can highly recommend the GGC 2015 talk “(Video) Games and Information Warfare” by our old friend (and colleague of Niklas), Ave Randviir-Vellamo.

Alumni Days 2017

These are the Alumni Days for the Department of Game Design. Our amazing former students returns for three days at the end of every year, to share their experiences and insights.

You are welcome to drop in to any talk – we are in the Almedalen Library. Full program available here:

Alumni Days 2017 program
Alumni Days 2017 program

EDIT: (most) presentations are now available on our YouTube-channel!

Have you studied here? Join the Uppsala University Alumn Network. Also consider joining the Facebook group for GAME students past and present.

Here’s the program for your copy-pasting pleasures. It is tentative, though, as talks might be brought forward or delayed.

  • 14 December, Thursday
  • 10.30 “Martin Greip” – CEO, Eat Create Sleep
  • 13.00 “Teddy Sjöström” – CEO, Pixel Ferrets
  • 14.15 “Victor Magnuson” – Game Designer, Fatshark
  • 15.00 “Niklas Eneqvist” – Prop Art, Ass. Art Team Manager, Fatshark
  • 15 December, Friday
  • 10.00 “Kim Aava & Karin Bruér” – 3D Artist & Art Director, Fast Travel Games
  • 10.30 “Portfolio Review” – Kim & Karin, Fast Travel Games
  • 13.00 “Robin Flodin” – CEO, Toadman Interactive
  • 14.15 “Rabi Afram” – QA Dev Manager, King
  • 15.30 “Niklas Norin” – Lead AI & Combat designer, Avalanche Studios
  • 16 December, Saturday
  • 12.30 “Ylva Ljungqvist” – 2D Artist, Paradox Development Studio
  • 13.45 “Joakim Andreasson” – Game Designer, Paradox Development Studio
  • 15.00 “Pernilla Sparrhult” – Producer, Paradox Interactive
  • 19.30 Doors open at Ringi
  • 20.00 Alumnipanel & Party

Recordings are online!

Bonnie Ruberg, speaking at the Gotland Game Conference 2017
Bonnie Ruberg, speaking at the Gotland Game Conference 2017

All* the presentations and the Award Ceremony are finally available on our YouTube-channel. Even better – if you prefer reading you can click through these links to find a) a description and the video for each talk and b) our live twitter coverage of each talk. Highly recommended!

The Awards Ceremony

Best 1st Year Project: Pump The Frog
Best 2nd Year Project: Somnium
Best 3rd Year Project: Penny’s Farm
Pwnage: Pump The Frog
Cha-Ching!: Pump The Frog
Innovation Award: Grave Call
Students’ Choice: Penny’s Farm
Almedalen Library Award: Pump The Frog
Alumni of The Year: Pernilla Sparrhult and Joakim Andreason

Bighuge THANKS to all of our speakers, faculty and students for making the GGC such a great experience this year!

* (all presentations but one: Adam Mayes’ “M for Mature” unfortunately had technical issues, and the recording was unrecoverable.)