Sundsvall. The capital of norrland. 100 000 inhabitants. 50 000 in the city. The stone city, after no less than four raging fires. Heavy industry; forest, paper, aluminum. 1 percent of the Swedish population, using up more than 5 percent of the electricity. Apart from industry also banking, insurance and IT.
And an alarming unemployment rate.
Adam and Ulf were invited to keynote at Sundsvall 24 – speaking about digital entrepreneurship with a focus on games.
From Gotland University GAME, subject responsible Adam Mayes and program coordinator Ulf Benjaminsson will talk about life for digital entrepreneurs.
Starting a business is simple, but the amount of games that make their money back is laughingly small. Adam and Ulf will give a whirlwind tour of the current market for games to show how the business is changing (rapidly!), and then provide methods for adaption. They’ll give advice for setting up your company, planning your business and managing your creative process.
Reality is not broken, but it is a lot less glorious than you might think.
If the audience approves, the two are also happy to talk about the GAME education at Gotland University, and give some handy tips for getting the most of your student loans. 😛

Our local game developers Zeal Game Studio and Meow Entertainment were also on the program.

Max Tiilikainen (founder of Meow) spoke about honing the drive and motivation required to be an entrepreneur. Robin Flodin (CEO of Zeal) spoke about his journey from game design student to game developer to business owner and employer.
Sundsvalls Tidning covered the event.

This was a first attempt on an event like this in Sundsvall. Mikael Bergvall and his crew did a tremendous job in generating buy-in from the city. We’re looking forward to next time, and hope to see many more of the local (Sundsvall) studios on stage!