
Did you work on this game? Please get in touch with Ulf!

Roskilde was a joint collaboration with the Roskilde music festival. A vertical slice was produced but the game was never completed. The team won Best Presentation at the Gotland Game Awards 2007, but we have no other information in our archives about the project. Did you work on this game? Please get in touch with Ulf to complete this post.

Cyrus “prozac” Malekani
Magnus Jansson
Niklas Eneqvist
Christopher “Assblaster” Sirén
Johan “Dwarf” Rundkvist
Emil “NES” Söderholm
Mikael “Dolphin” Karlsson
Johan C. Eriksson


Sumo was originally created as an school assignment in the theme ”modernistic game”. Sumo is a modernistic fighting game based on finger wrestling. The first version of Sumo was made with the program Gamemaker and simple graphic. The game received good reviews at school and Yokaj Studio decided to compete in Swedish Game Awards with Sumo. Two weeks before the competitions deadline, they started rebuilding the game in Java. Even though all the members of the studio are artists they succeded making a functional game. The reward came when Sumo won the ”Best game concept” cathegory in Swedish Game Awards 2006.

Read more about Sumo at Yokaj Studios official site.

Sumo på Spelfest 2006

Susanne Möller at DN wrote about Sumo when they exhibited at Spelfest in 2006
Susanne Möller at DN wrote about Sumo when they exhibited at Spelfest in 2006

Sumo på SGA 2006 SuperPLAY

Super Play highlighted Sumo at the Swedish Game Awards 2007
Super Play highlighted Sumo at the Swedish Game Awards 2007