Krister Bringéus: Afghanistan, the Fight Goes on

Ambassador Krister Bringéus

Afghanistan through the eyes of a Swedish diplomat – not through an American soldier’s gunsight. A look at the life in Afghanistan, where Taliban influence is rapidly spreading; at the role of women in a culture that, in the 10th century, gave the world Rabia Balkhi, the first woman known to compose poetry in both Arabic and Persian; at the heavy opium addiction, where children are introduced to the drug by their parents.

So how do international agreements and the rules of law play out in such a complicated situation.

This talk is part of the Human Rights in Serious Games course for 2011. It’s free and open to the public!

Time: Friday, September 30th, 14:00-15:00
Location: E22 interviews Three Gates

Den sidste spiludvikler, vi besøger på Gotland, er Three Gates, der allerede i navnet afslører deres Gotlandske oprindelse. Det hentyder til de tre byporte, der leder ind til selve Visby gennem den middelalderlige borgmur.

Og middelalder-temaet slutter ikke her, for en del af ThreeGates kontorer er lokaliseret for enden af smalle stentrapper i en ægte middelalderkælder med rundbuet loft kun forbundet til den del af kontoret, der ligger i stueetagen, med et 2-vejs webcam og en storskærm.

Gaming Gotland – Three Gates Studio – Artikel

Bartle on Human Rights in Virtual Worlds

Professor Richard Bartle is back again to help out with our course Human Rights and Diversity in Serious Games 2011.

At first glance the subject of human rights might seem far removed from games – games are “not real” after all. But Professor Richard Bartle – being one of the pioneers of massively multiplayer online games does a good job convincing you otherwise. Working with virtual worlds since 1978 he’s had a lot of time to think of the (very real) legal, moral, ethical and social implications that games can have in our lives. interviews Zeal Studio

Velkommen til anden del af’s sensommer-serie, hvor vi kigger nærmere på nogen af de mange spil-startups på den svenske ø Gotland.

Denne gang er turen nået til Zeal Game studio. En af de lidt større spiludviklere på øen. Her mødte vi firmaets direktør og medstifter Robert Flodin, i Zeals nyindrettede kontorer.

Robin Flodin er CEO for Zeal Game Studio, lokaliseret i udkanten af Visby. Som han selv fortæller det, indebærer hans job generelt at sørge for, at det hele går rigtigt til. At der er penge i kassen, at investorerne investerer og at der er projekter i gang i firmaet.

Gaming Gotland – Zeal Studio – Artikel