The fuse has been lit!

The website for GGC 2017 is live, which means the time and place have been set! The conference theme, speakers and tickets will be announced in the coming weeks and months.

Until then you can add the dates to your calendar – 29-30 May 2017, reserve a ferry or plane ticket to Visby, and subscribe to our feed and/or the Facebook page to be notified of any updates.

Don’t know what GAME and the GGC is all about? Here’s a sample from last year’s conference.

That’s Richard Lemarchand – the designer of Uncharted, Jak and Dexter and many other games you know and love. 🙂

Notice how his talk was not about his games, not about big brand, big budget productions. Not about consoles or technology or platforms. Instead he spoke with us about the things we really care about at the GGC: games as a cultural expression, as complex bearers of ideas, as a medium of communication. This is what we do! We strive for the Gotland Game Conference to always take a high-minded, human and loving look at games and games culture. Loving, but not uncritical! We engage our medium with honesty, integrity and a willingness to reflect, engage, do the work and improve the medium.

Here’s another clip with Richard, from the Awards Ceremony that always caps off the conference.

I hope that convinces you to join us at the end of May, to critique and celebrate the games medium, at the Gotland Game Conference 2017!

More t/k!

New Mocap System at Uppsala University

As you know, we’ve recently made a substantial upgrade to our motion capture equipment. We’ve swapped out all the tech and swapped out the studio – we moved it from our previous spot at the Baltic Art Center, to the university’s own F-building – ie: the GAME house, right next to the small boat harbor in Visby.

Anyway – a week ago Nataska sent out a call for students to come help exercise the system, and she put together this little video of her first impressions:

(Thank you: Eva, Lucas and Svante for putting on the suits and helping out!)

In addition to this recording setup we’ve also got two sets of TrackIR so our students can experiment with simpler head tracking in their games.

We have mocap!

The new rig in the new studio in the F-building

We have moved and upgraded our old motion capture equipment! The new hotness consists of 16 brand new OptiTrack Prime13 cameras, new software, the works! And now we need test subjects, hehe.

So Finn Engström and Nataska have been installing the new motion capture cameras this week and they’re happy to report they did a successful test with an actor today and it has all been smooth sailing so far 🙂

Now we want to see just how good our new system is, and that means we need actors: we need 3 volunteers to help us Monday 21st with a bit of light acting for about 1-2h, 10am at F20. Any takers?