Our students just spent an intense weekend running a local jam site on campus Gotland. The theme this year was “transmission” and in just 48 hours they managed to produce no less than 13 games.
Speaking at TEDxUppsalaUniversity
… well, spoke rather, as TEDx Uppsala University took place a few months back. But the recordings were just made available so here goes!
Our own Patrick Prax ventured off island back in November to give a talk about co-creation in gaming – how players literally help build the games they play. In it he situates play and modding as important and deeply social forms of cultural participation. The talk highlights often-neglected parts of gaming (such as; community-driven research and development) and points out a potential tension between that and the commercial interests of rights-holders.
Photos from the Alumni Days 2017
The recorded lectures are made available on our YouTube-channel!

“Suffering isn’t there to bolster creativity, creativity is there to assuage suffering”
– Priscilla Frank

Dataspel som blir mer än underhållning
Så kallade ”seriösa spel” är något som blir allt vanligare. Studenter i speldesign på campus Gotland har tagit fram ett spel som ska ge arbetsgivare bättre förståelse för personer med funktionsnedsättning.
SVT Nyheter 2017-12-15
The course they are talking about is part of our international Bachelor Programme in Game Design and Project Management. Do you want to apply game design to real-world issues? Apply to the program via universityadmissions.se! The international application deadline is 15th of January, while Swedish applicants have until April 15th.