GAME-only evening during the HGO initiation week. Pizza, pizzazz and GAMEr-people. 🙂
All photos are Ulf Benjaminsson, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
The department of Game Design at Uppsala University, campus Gotland
This is the highly informal blog of the GAME-department. We use it mostly to document the things we do outside of running one of the worlds strongest game educations. For information about our education, programs and courses, check the official site at Uppsala University.
GAME-only evening during the HGO initiation week. Pizza, pizzazz and GAMEr-people. 🙂
All photos are Ulf Benjaminsson, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Gotland Game Convention / Theme Park was an early incarnation of what we now call Gotland Game Awards.
This post is back-dated and was published 2018-02-17.
Revive was a graduation exhibition of student games, hosted in the former ICA warehouse in Visby harbor on May 16-18 2002. The building was demolished in early 2005 and in its place were built a congress hall – Wisby Strand & Congress – where we have hosted the annual Gotland Game Conference since 2008.
Unfortunately most details about Revive has been lost to time. If you were there or have pictures or other documentation about it – we would love to hear from you!