Arcade construction and play testing is in full swing at the GAME-department, in preparation for the Gotland Game Conference in ~2 weeks. There are more than 40 titles in development right now, so get your tickets and come try them all 5-6th of June!
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Educators: the Gotland Game Conference Educators Summit is back and it wants your voice. If you’re an established education with a set of veteran teachers, or a new education wondering where to focus your attention, there is something for you here.
For the past two years the Educators Summit has created a space to discuss the subjects that gather under the banner of game education. We have looked at teaching, research, outreach to industry and how to form a closer bond with each other. It has been instrumental in the forming of a European wing of the Higher Education Video Games Alliance, and the formation of a HEVGA Research Summer School.
We understand what it means to ask educators to take days away from their subjects. It has always been our goal that the summit be a place of value for our participants and this year is no exception.
We want to start delivering on a promise: an international network of teachers who are willing to travel and teach in other departments. The presentations are meant as adverts and request: tell us what you’re great at, tell us what you need.
And bring your business cards. We want to bring people together.
Malena Klaus, on kickstarted intimacy – designing intimate spaces for strangers
The presentations are now available on our YouTube-channel. Even better – if you prefer reading you can click through these links to find a) a description and the video for each talk and b) our live Twitter coverage of each talk. Highly recommended!